7 Day Ashtanga Yoga Challenge for Beginners with Maria Margolies
Beginning Monday June 7th! Learn the traditional ashtanga yoga method progressively with HTPY instructor Maria Margolies! During the 7 days, you will learn the key postures, foundation and technique of the practice. Every day we will focus on one posture and every couple of days we will incorporate what we learn into a short practice so you can create a new daily consistent practice. This will not only be great for total beginner but also for those who want to start a new habit and or deepen your understanding of the ashtanga method or reconnect with your practice.
7 Day Ashtanga Yoga Challenge for Beginners Intro
Day 1 Surya Namaskar A: Ashtanga Challenge with Maria Margolies
Welcome to Day 1 of our 7 Day Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners Challenge with Maria Margolies! Today, you'll learn the essence of Ashtanga yoga starting with Sun Salutation A, linking breath to movement. Closing poses with seated hip openers and core strength.
Day 2 Surya Namaskar B: Ashtanga Challenge with Maria Margolies
Learn the foundations of Sun Salutation B (Surya Namaskar B) with Maria! Link Sun A and Sun B together along with the drishti (gaze) and bandhas (internal locks).
Day 3 Padangustasana: Ashtanga Challenge with Maria Margolies
Learn the first posture of the primary series today with Maria Margolies - a standing forward bend with padangustasana and padahastasana. Link everything together with surya namaskar a, surya namaskar b, and finish with the ending sequence!
Day 4 Trikonasana: Ashtanga Challenge with Maria Margolies
Learn triangle and reverse triangle pose in Day 4 with Maria Margolies, linking everything you've learned with the ending sequence.
Day 5 Parsvakonasana: Ashtanga Challenge with Maria Margolies
Day 5: Learn parsvakonasana, extended side angle pose today with Maria!
Day 6 Prasarita Padottanasana: Ashtanga Challenge with Maria Margolies
Learn the variations of standing wide legged forward fold with Maria in Day 6 of our challenge!
Day 7 Parsvottanasana: Ashtanga Challlenge with Maria Margolies
Last day of our 7 day Ashtanga Yoga Challenge! Learn the last posture of the primary series - Parsvottanasana, or Pyramid Pose. Link together everything you've learned in the 7 days and end with the closing sequence!