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7 Day Ashtanga Yoga Challenge for Beginners Intro
7 Day Ashtanga Yoga Challenge for Beginners with Maria Margolies
Up Next in 7 Day Ashtanga Yoga Challenge for Beginners with Maria Margolies
Day 1 Surya Namaskar A: Ashtanga Chal...
Welcome to Day 1 of our 7 Day Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners Challenge with Maria Margolies! Today, you'll learn the essence of Ashtanga yoga starting with Sun Salutation A, linking breath to movement. Closing poses with seated hip openers and core strength.
Day 2 Surya Namaskar B: Ashtanga Chal...
Learn the foundations of Sun Salutation B (Surya Namaskar B) with Maria! Link Sun A and Sun B together along with the drishti (gaze) and bandhas (internal locks).
Day 3 Padangustasana: Ashtanga Challe...
Learn the first posture of the primary series today with Maria Margolies - a standing forward bend with padangustasana and padahastasana. Link everything together with surya namaskar a, surya namaskar b, and finish with the ending sequence!