Heart Opening: Mobility Flow with Kim Koa
Classes 15 - 30 Minutes
Explore safe heart opening backbends in this short class with Kim!
Explore safe heart opening backbends in this short class with Kim!
A wonderful day is nearing and as we all have our hopeful birth plans in place, the anticipation is real– whether it’s your first time and it will all be new or you’ve been here before and have detailed memories of your previous experiences. I want us to feel prepared and have an open mind for wh...
This session is to help activate the joints and stretch the muscles that bear much of the weight as we grow. It’s a dance between keeping the legs active and getting those feet up. Take time to do both. Props: Mama tool kit (blanket, bolster, blocks, strap)
This sweet meditation can support us as we make our birth plans and continue nesting. It’s important to stay connected to the present moment. Only in the present do we allow for acceptance of what is. Plans are beautiful visuals and ways to manifest but as my amazing doula says “make prayers not ...