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Marisa Moonbeamz

Marisa Moonbeamz

Marisa comes from a family of yogis in Dallas, Texas. Her journey started at the age of 6 when her parents started bringing her to yoga classes. Ever since then there has been a steady increase in her practice. Around the age of 16 yoga took on a more disciplined role in her life and has been rooted firmly as a daily practice ever since.

Her yogic inquiries have led her abroad to India, Ecuador, Peru, Bali and many other places in search of knowledge and inspiration. She is well versed in tantric philosophy and creative sequencing, all with a strong foundation in Ashtanga yoga. Marisas’ classes are traditional in structure with surprising transitions, variations, and impactful music.

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Marisa Moonbeamz
  • Crown Chakra Flow: Chakra Vinyasa Series with Marisa Moonbeamz

    The Crown Chakra Vinyasa Flow class with Marisa is designed to activate and balance the seventh energy center in the body known as the crown chakra. This dynamic yoga practice focuses on gentle yet invigorating asanas (poses) that promote connection with higher consciousness and divine energy. Th...

  • Third Eye Chakra Flow: Chakra Vinyasa Series with Marisa Moonbeamz

    This third eye chakra vinyasa flow class with Marisa is guided yoga practice that seeks to balance and activate the energy center located in between the eyebrows known as the third eye chakra. The class incorporates a dynamic series of flowing postures to stimulate and open this chakra, enhancing...

  • Throat Chakra Flow: Chakra Vinyasa Series with Marisa Moonbeamz

    Join us for our invigorating Throat Chakra Vinyasa Flow class with Marisa, where we will focus on opening and balancing the powerful energy center of communication. Through a dynamic sequence of asanas, we will strengthen the throat muscles and activate the Vishuddha chakra, allowing for authenti...

  • Heart Chakra Flow: Chakra Vinyasa Series with Marisa Moonbeamz

    Step onto your mat and prepare to open your heart center in an invigorating heart chakra vinyasa yoga class with Marisa! This dynamic and flowing practice combines energizing asanas, such as backbends and heart-opening postures, to stimulate and awaken the heart chakra. As you move through the se...

  • Solar Chakra Flow: Chakra Vinyasa Series with Marisa Moonbeamz

    Harness the power of the sun, both physically and energetically, as you focus on activating and balancing the solar chakra in this flow with Marisa! Ignite your inner fire, cultivate vitality, and build a strong sense of self in this flow.

  • Sacral Chakra Flow: Chakra Vinyasa Series with Marisa Moonbeamz

    In this energizing class, we will focus on the second chakra located in the lower abdomen, known as the sacral chakra. This chakra is associated with creativity, passion, sensuality, and emotional balance. Through a dynamic and fluid sequence of poses, we will cultivate a greater awareness of our...

  • Root Chakra Flow: Chakra Vinyasa Series with Marisa Moonbeamz

    In this energizing and grounding practice, you will focus on awakening and balancing the root chakra (also known as Muladhara) with Marisa! The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with stability, security, and a strong foundation. Join us for this empowering and nourishin...