Warm up with seated poses that open the hips and side bodies and then flow through a lengthening mandala flow with triangle as the peak posture.
Up Next in Beginners
Meet Your Hamstrings: 14 Days of Yoga...
This class focuses on stretching the hamstrings. After a short flow, you’ll learn the foundation and alignment for pyramid pose and half-moon pose.
Beginner Slow Flow: 14 Days of Yoga f...
This class focuses on resting space in your upper body, hips, and quads. You’ll move through a meditative flow and eventually work your way into Dancer’s Pose. Lots of modifications and variations are offered throughout the way.
Intro to Power Yoga: 14 Days of Yoga ...
Test how far you’ve come in this beginner-friendly power flow. You’ll breathe through powerful poses like Warrior II, extended side angle, and side plank. Variations and modifications will be given throughout class, so there’s something for everyone.
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