Where strength meets skill: learn how to warm up and prep your wrists for a safe and skillful chaturanga. Perfect for beginners just learning how to do this pose, or seasoned practitioners who want to check in on their form and wrist safety.
Up Next in Arm Balances & Inversions
Core for Crow Pose with Roxanne Gan
Struggling to fly your feet in crow pose? This 20-minute session will teach you how to strengthen and activate your core muscles using both static and dynamic exercises.
Intro to Crow Pose: Posture Breakdown...
For most people, crow pose is the gateway arm balance that unlocks the confidence needed to begin an inversion practice. Join DeāAndre as he breaks down bakasana step by step and gives you the tools to find the pose safely.
Beginner Inversions with Brad Terrell
Ready to go upside down? Join Brad Terrell for a 15-minute class dedicated to your inversion practice. This full body workout includes drills geared towards strength and flexibility needed to get into headstands, forearm stands, and handstands.