Brighten up your day with this 15-minute vinyasa full of classic postures, core work, and backbends
Up Next in Classes Under 15 Minutes
5-Minute Mood Booster with Mary Ochsner
Boost your mood with a quick, 5-minute vinyasa flow that will get your out of your head and into your body.
Bedtime Yoga for Insomnia with Mary O...
Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? Or is it hard for you to "turn your brain off" at night? This 7-minute yoga sequence is for you. You'll flow from the comfort of your bed, and as you move you'll find your body and mind release and relax. You'll be off to dreamland in no time.
Core Prep for Handstands with De'andr...
You can't hold the shape on your hands if you can't hold it on your back first, and handstand is no exception. This 12 minute core routine works your transverse abdominis, obliques, and rectus abdominis as well as your mental fortitude and stamina to prep you for handstands and advanced hand bala...